Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Welcome to the course blog for ENG 350, "The History of Hip-Hop," here at Rhode Island College. This is the sixth summer I've taught this class, and promises to be the best yet. This year, we're not using WebCT, Blackboard, or any of the other various pre-made software packages sold to colleges at ridiculous prices -- we're going for free and using Google's Blogger software. It's a lot easier to use, and can do nearly all of the same things.

The one thing it can't do is directly provide any music currently in copyright -- we will listen to music in class, and in cases where they are available, I will create temporary links to YouTube videos. I expect that everyone has some Hip-hop on their pod, pad, or PC, and hope you'll consider purchasing the recommended tracks for your own use. I have also provided links to all the texts we'll need, outside of those in our books. Every week, I'll be looking for a posting from each of you on the topics and listenings for that week.

So -- welcome -- and put your feet to the street, this ain't no Yellow Brick Road ....

1 comment:

  1. Here is a neat link to some great graffiti artwork!

    Cory P Kirk
